Tag Archives: nutcracker

Christmas is Here Again…

Christmas is Here Again…

I know I know… it’s that favorite time of the year! The time when stores and houses come alive with decorations of the holiday season; when people become frantic with gift-giving and house-decorating; when children’s minds begin to wander off into dreams of toys and Santa.  Yes, it’s Christmas and around this time, either you’re hearing its merry sounds on the radio or you’re seeing its merry presence in the mall.  Or you’re like me and you’re beginning to stress out about holiday gift-buying and house-decorating.  I understand that Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet and it’s only mid-November.  However, in my household, the tree and decorations should be up before then.

When it comes to the holidays, usually people overlook the decorative part of the holidays and instead focus on gifts and food.  Yes they can be pricey, but decorations are also just as expensive, if not more so.  Therefore, during the holidays, I’m going to try to blog about ways to make the decorative part of Christmas less stressful on the wallet.  Starting with tip number one:  STAY AWAY FROM THE STORE WHEN BUYING DECORATIONS…ESPECIALLY ORNAMENTS!!!

You can find many Christmas decorations and ornaments at thrift stores and garage sales.  Not only will you find cheap items, but you may find a few unique treasures along the way.  Here are a few of the items I have found at local garage sales:

I know that a lot of people don’t have the time or energy to shop like this, especially with Christmas just around the corner.  It really is something one should do throughout the year.  So the next time you go to a Goodwill or a garage sale, even if it isn’t Christmas yet, you shouldn’t overlook the decorations.  You never know what you might find.  And who knows, it’s bound to be cheaper and more unique than the generic ones you would normally find at a store.  Happy thrifting!